About Us
Mission Statement
The CAPT's purpose is to:
Promote the welfare of children in Crestwood School
Promote adequate care and protection of the children coming to, going from and while at Crestwood School
Encourage a cooperative relationship between parents and teachers so there may be intelligent training of children attending Crestwood School
Develop between educators and the Crestwood and surrounding community such united efforts that will help secure the highest advantages in physical, mental and social education for each student at Crestwood School
Assist in developing and preserving the Crestwood School building and playground and property as a community asset to serve the needs of Crestwood students, staff and neighborhood community
CAPT Information
Who we are
Every parent, guardian, teacher, and staff member is a member of the CAPT.
All voices are important when guiding decisions made by the board.
There are no membership fees or obligations.
Our purpose
Our overarching goal is to promote the welfare of children attending Crestwood by encouraging a cooperative relationship between families and teachers & staff. We do this in many different ways, including through monthly meetings where everyone is encouraged to participate, organizing events, and raising funds for classroom activities.
Development of a COVID relief fund for families in need
Installation of Black Lives Matter sign at Crestwood
Coordinating Cricket gear to spread school spirit
Follow us
Website: https://www.crestwoodcapt.us/home
Facebook: CAPT (Crestwood Association of Parents and Teachers)
Cricket Newsletter: https://www.crestwoodcapt.us/cricket
(You MUST be subscribed to the CAPT mailing list to receive the Cricket.
Email us to join our mailing list and avoid missing out on important info.)